
Thursday, June 30, 2011


 Rowling launched the site via YouTube. She'll be selling all seven HP novels as e-books and audiobooks....(That's right Pat, She's also going to divulge some secret background details on characters and settings.  Details, Rowling says she's been “hoarding for years.”...She's been hoarding!!!

Wow!!! I have to say, I am soooo excited about this. I can't wait until October. Here is the link to the registration page. You can leave your e-mail and they notify you when everything is up and running. 

It also says Come back on July 31st (Harry's birthday) to find out how you can get the chance to enter Pottermore early. Apparently, a chosen few (let it be me, let it be will have the opportunity to experience the incredible world of Pottermore before all others.
And look, you can follow on twitter as well...@pottermore

IMO....Great Idea. As long as the attention to detail is there, I believe it will be a huge hit. Who knows, maybe someone will create a site like this for other beloved series as well :D


  1. This sounds intriguing, but also the kind of thing where the more you put into the whole experience, the more you get back. And I anticipate not really having the availability/time to really invest and get involved and all that. My loss I guess :P

  2. well I know audio of HP has been out for some time has all 7 books for 287.00 (think I'll skip those Kell lol). and amazon has kindle editions so I wonder how hers will be so different?

  3. All this puts me in a Harry Potter mood. Can't wait for the new film in a few weeks. Thinking seriously about reading all the books again. :-)

  4. I would have tried to get in early, but knew I wouldn't be a good beta person for them. Oh I hope you get in to let us know what is in store for us!!

  5. Nymeth: I see your point. I'm hoping it's one of those things you can go on when you have spare time. We'll see soon :D

    Pat: Yes, I wonder what little tidbits she's been You never know, maybe she'll give away some freebies to promote the can

    Cath: I know right!!! My children are going to the midnight showing, but as I'm not very awake at that hour, I'll be seeing it during the day :D...Maybe if I drink A LOT of

    I hope so too, and If I do...I'll plaster it all over the

  6. Nice to know you're still being enthusiastic with harry Potter :)

    I hope the make this kind of site for The Lord of The Rings

  7. Nice post you seem to be a true Potter fan. Hope you liked the final film.
